Charity Details

Company Number: 306237

Revenue CHY Number: 12986

Registered Charity Number: 20039264

Company Information

Cherry Orchard Equine Centre is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in 1999 and a registered charity. The company was set up under a Memorandum of Association which established the objects and powers of the charitable company and is governed by a Constitution and managed by a Board of Trustees.

The company also generates some income from equine and other activities. Any surpluses generated by the organisation from operating activities are re-invested in the services, programmes and facilities for the use and benefit of the local community. We have one additional registered business name which is Cherry Orchard Equine Education and Training Centre.

The company operates a number of services which are funded by government grants. These include:

  • Cherry Orchard Equestrian Centre
  • CODY Youth Diversion Project
  • Blue Door
  • Cherry Orchard Integrated Youth Services


The charity is managed by a board of trustees, the membership of which is set out in the companies governing documents. The board employ a Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for running the charity and providing leadership to the management team and guidance to the trustees where appropriate.

Each department / service employs a dedicated manager who is delegated day-to-day responsible for oversight and operation of their specific activity area. The company employs a qualified accountant in the role of Head of Accounts to ensure the highest possible standards of booking keeping and finance are maintained.

The organisation is committed to providing transparency through all our practices.


As charity trustees the board are responsible for governance within the charity and ensure that the six principles of the Charities Governance Code are being applied. We have a suite of guidance documents and policies in this regard.

The charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice) is applied to the annual financial statements.

We adhere to the highest standards of child protection across all of our work by providing education and training to all staff and volunteers; compliance with vetting regulations and detailed policies, procedures and safeguards.

Other Companies

Two other companies operate services from within the Equine Centre campus.

  • Cherry Orchard Community Training Centre CLG
  • Ballyfermot / Chapelizod Partnership CLG

Whilst based within the Equine Centre campus, they are operated and managed by wholly separate companies which are governed and managed by their own board of trustees. All enquiries relating to these companies should be made to them directly.

Data Protection

Please see our privacy policy for information on how we handle your data. If you would like more information please contact our data protection officer at

For more information on our Governance, please contact Alternatively you may contact the chairperson of the board by writing to us .


Cherry Orchard Equine Centre receives almost 80%of its funding from state grants. The next largest portion is generated as income from equestrian activities.

Cherry Orchard Equine Centre are grateful for the funding and support received from the following government departments and state agencies.