Lets help people together!

  • Volunteering your staff’s time to provide direct supports (e.g mentoring)
  • Provide technical advice or subject matter expertise on specific projects
  • Sponsor our projects or programmes
  • CSR staff days helping us undertake specific works, projects or help with events
  • Help us raise funds for specific projects, programmes and initiatives

Live projects that need your help today!

Our aim is to be able to help and support any young person living in Cherry Orchard who wants to return to education or training or who is unemployed and wants to get working.
We help young people assess their options if they are considering leaving school early. We support young people identify what kind of job or career would suit them and help them make a plan to reach these goals.

  • Work placement opportunities for youths seeking employment
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Financial supports for returning to education
  • General funding towards running our Youth Employment Programme

Support our families in crisis fund so we are able to assist families dealing with crisis situations.

As our equines approach the end of their working lives, we are actively seeking suitable retirement homes where they can enjoy their golden years in comfort and care. Additionally, we are in need of assistance in finding suitable replacement equines to continue the vital work of our center. If you believe you can offer support in either of these endeavors, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your help could make a world of difference for our cherished equine friends.

Each year we deliver a spectacular Halloween Haunted House event. Volunteers can help with :

  • Donate materials
  • Build props and set
  • Join the production team
  • Stewarding

We are passionate about our work and care deeply about making a positive impact in the community.