Youth Work
Cherry Orchard Integrated Youth Service is the primary youth organisation serving Cherry Orchard and has been operating since 2003. It consists of our mainstream youth service, our Youth Diversion Project called CODY and our new youth employment support service.
Cherry Orchard Integrated Youth Services
Providing a range of programmes and activities which take place outside of school hours for youths aged 10 to 24 years of age.
Gain new skills through programmes & activities!
About Integrated Youth Services
Our youth service consists of a dedicated full-time youth service manager, four full-time and two part-time youth workers, and a number of support staff on placement from the Tús work placement programme and Community Employment (CE). We also take in college placements and work experience students each year.
This service is complementary to mainstream education and for the most part involves engaging young people through evidence-based programmes and activities to support them as they find their way through their formative years.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth funds our mainstream youth service under the UBU Programme which is administered by the City of Dublin Youth Service Board (CDYSB).
Youth Diversion Project - CODY
This service offers young people a second chance through a range of specially designed programmes and interventions.
Offering young people a second chance!
About CODY
There are 106 youth diversion projects dotted all over Ireland. The aim of YDPs is to prevent young offenders and children involved in anti-social behaviour in Ireland from entering into the full criminal justice system. Young people are often referred to our project directly by An Garda Síochana but they can also be referred from within the community.
We have recently been approved funding to expand our YDP to include a family support worker and an early intervention worker. These new positions will greatly improve the outcomes for families engaged in our services enabling us to work with the entire family unit rather than young people in isolation away from the home setting.
The Department of Justice funds our Youth Diversion Project (YDP) called CODY which works with young people from 12-18 years old. We currently have a team of three staff working in CODY.
Youth Employment Programme
This service is focused on providing supports to youths aged between 15 and 24 years of age who are not in education, employment or training.
Reach your goals with our amazing team!
How This Service Works
Enhancing a young person’s employability is the core objective of the programme which may mean supporting them back towards education or training, or even towards securing employment. Our youth services are unique insofar that they are co-located within an equestrian centre as well as other services. Our equestrian centre offers young people greater opportunities to engage in positive equestrian activities such as horse riding and leader opportunities which the youth service supports also.
Our youth services are linked in with primary and secondary schools around the area to provide support for young people and their families to help address the high rates of early school leaving in the community.
Our Youth Employment Programme is part of our main stream youth service. It is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).